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Published 9 years ago by Guilhem with 3 Comments

Where do you paint ?

So, where do you build your models and paint them? Maybe even store them?

  • Here is mine, let's see yours.

    I usually only use this desk to build and airbrush. It's a little dark for regular painting. I usually only use this desk to build and airbrush. It's a little dark for regular painting.

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  • Urbanknight4

    I'm planning on turning my garage into a 40k army production factory. It'll be tough convincing my parents, but since I'm leaving for college soon they should give in... right?

    Anyways, the garage is pretty big and I'll have a nice desk set up with some cases for storage and a halogen lamp or something for lighting.

    • Guilhem

      Lighting is really important. I have yet to find a lamp that doesn't bother me and show me realistic colors.

      • Urbanknight4

        I'm thinking LED or halogen, whatever the latter means. I've seen the level of detail in the minis and they're nothing short of fine art. I agree that an excellent light source is necessary.

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