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Published 9 years ago by Graphictruth with 0 Comments
  • Mentioned in passing...

    Mervyn O'Gorman was 42 when he took these pictures of his daughter, Christina O'Gorman at Lulworth Cove, in the English county of Dorset. He photographed Christina wearing a red swimming costume and red cloak, a colour particularly suited to the early color Autochrome process.

    The Mashable story continues on about the early Autocrhome photographic process to deliver a surprise in passing.

    Mervyn died in March 1958 as a widower; his wife Florence had died 27 years earlier in 1931. As to Christina's life, there are no recorded details.

    And how can that be, I wondered?

    I was not alone. This discussion thread leads to an Irish Census record that suggests that Christina was not his daughter, but a visiting relative. But if we know that - and it might well be a different person - that seems very little to know about someone photographed so well and so completely embedded into the history of photography.


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