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Published 8 months ago by Gozzin with 2 Comments

how dark mode killed good design


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  • nanosani

    Seriously, dark mode has made it very difficult for the designers to design anything sane. The work has doubled..

    • Maternitus

      I have designed my website not with the user as a first in mind, but the colors of my paintings. The thing that brought me to the choices made, were more based on how (my) art looks best, usability (the menu, font choice), accessibility (can text-to-speech be used) and last, but not least, black-white-red is such a basic colour-combination which is a challenge to design with in the first place. My site became more of a platform or background for the content, albeit a usable and accessible one. Or just as a website should be. IMHO it doesn't really matter whether a site is dark or light, as long as the stated criteria are met (usable, accessible, quick and serving).

      My browser is in dark-mode, my smartphone is in darkmode, most of the software that is running on my pc and laptop are in darkmode. It has more to do with what I prefer as colorchoice, than anything else. I think it looks sexy.

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