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Published 8 months ago by Gozzin with 1 Comments

Do You OWN Your Creative Works? ADOBE Says NO


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  • Maternitus (edited 8 months ago)

    I am so happy by simply not using Adobe products. They have very agressive marketing techniques, for instance they bought the patents for CMYK colour-separation. This is a widely used method for printing, not just your homeprinter, but also printing professionally, for example offset printing. That makes users dependable on their tools and is, in a way, monopolizing a keypoint in the industry, from design to the final product. For years I am using GIMP, Inkscape and sometimes Scribus and only the latter is capable of colour-separation, be it in reroute. There have been attempts by GIMP and Inkscape contributors to reverse engineer it software wise, but I have never seen or used or tried anything decent as plugin or script. Most of what I tried, was not up to standards.
    There is a good way around it though, which is leave it all together, since CMYK colour-separation is more meant for older printing techniques, but what would that mean for quality?

    In about a week's time I have to send a design for a large banner print for a project I am working with. They explicitly asked for either an Adobe Illustrator-file (AI), a TIFF file (preferrably made in Photoshop) or a PDF. I choose the latter, since there are good ways of handling colours in PDF, but come on, what the fuck is all that? I hate Adobe for how they monopolize the market, but I also have a negative sentiment against people who do not look a little further and try to live in these times or, god forbid, the future. Coz that aint Adobe, mark my words.

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