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Published 10 years ago by Gozzin with 7 Comments

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  • jcscher (edited 10 years ago)

    Well how does it feel senators?

    • baron778

      I'm sure that if they have nothing to hide they won't mind being spied on... lol.

    • robmonk

      Karma can be a bitch.

  • rawlings

    I love how all politicians seem to be just fine with spying on everyone until they realize that everyone includes them.

  • sauce

    Hypocrisy at its finest

  • wetwilly87

    Someone needs to be harshly punished over all of this or else it will just keep getting worse and worse. It seems like the people on top just don't give a shit at what laws they break because they believe that nothing can happen to them because nothing has happened to anyone so far. Someone needs to step in and stop this shit.

  • TNY

    Wait, this isn't satire??

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