9 years ago
Five Things That Shook the MMO World Before WoW
It wasn't very long ago that the MMOG category was practically unknown. Indeed, with only a very small selection of titles running, none of which had the number of players we can often find these days on a single server, it was barely a category at all.
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Man. All those games where so good. AO and Eve Online are some of the best memories I have gaming.
Thanks for this, I love gaming history, especially the weird shadowy past, like Meridian 59 and the AOL Neverwinter Nights.
Yeah me too, i am always hoping to find a game i can still play, that i have not already tried. :)
Well, I've played over half that list lol
Never touched Ultima Online or Dark Age of Camelot... which is a shame, because I believe those were considered the best of them all. At least for anything PvP oriented.
UO was ruthless when it came to PVP. If you died people could loot everything you got. Sure it was not terribly hard to get that stuff replaced but it was still a hassle. You basically avoided everyone in town that was naked because they were probably pickpocketing or up to no good.
I was all about that Runescape, Although when I started playing videogames. A bunch of these games seemed to archaic for me but I remember my early childhood fishing in Karamaja all day
Hell I just quit Runescape for the umpteenth time this year! It's been my fall-back game for a decade and that probably won't change. My friend and I used to have to take turns on his computer when we had a sleep-over so that we'd all get to play a fair amount and so whoever was the first awake usually got an insane amount of time. I remember setting alarm clocks to wake up and cut the willow trees in Draynor, they'd wake up and there I am woodcutting. Only me and one friend play on and off now down from probably six or seven peers and my whole family.