9 years ago
EVE Online: Chronicles of a New Eden - A Pirate's Life for Me!
In spaces between the relentless mercantilism of high-sec and the dynastic feuds of null-sec lies the vast swathe of low security systems; the tattered fringe of order slowly unwoven by the ruthless chaos of lawless space. While a large portion of EVE Online's pilots avoid these systems like the plague, they have, like any region in EVE, evolved a society of their own. Helicity Boson wasn't like other pilots. He was, from his first days, forged in the conflict of pirate space.
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I played EVE years ago and really enjoyed it... for a while. But not enough to pay for it.
I like reading about it a lot. :)
I can't say I've done much reading about it - with the exception of this article. Of course, if I did more reading about it, I might decide to pick the game back up :)
The game is getting better and better as time goes on. Though it does take a bit of a time commitment to get going. I only have the time to play on the weekend with university on, but thanks to the skill queue I'm not missing out on much by not logging in for 5 days.