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Published 9 years ago by Foxtrot16 with 4 Comments
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  • b1ackbird

    The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has published its list of the world’s top 100 arms manufacturers. Overall, the 100 largest defense contractors totaled $401 billion in sales 2014, though the actual number is probably even higher, because the list excludes Chinese companies “due to the lack of data.”

    Great read, thank you!

  • 902102213

    And this is why the governments they own (including the USA) will never stop creating new "enemies" to fight. Eternal war profits demand eternal war.

    • Foxtrot16

      unfortunately it's not only about weapons. It's also about the so called "reconstruction". Since 9/11 the security industry has had its best years (including safeguarding, policing, private prisons etc, apart from pure weapon making) and after the wars private companies flood in to "reconstruct" the country or in other words to take control of any wealth making source, while the locals are left with trauma, poverty and unemployment.

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