9 years ago
Winter is here: Icy cold front set to chill much of Australia this weekend
The most powerful cold snap in three years is set to lash much of Australia from this weekend, bringing heavy rain and plunging the temperature down by as much as seven degrees in some regions.
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I know what those extreme cold snaps are like here in Northern Ohio. I vote for warm weather over cold weather every time.
I disagree. I get tired of warm weather and start looking forward to cold.
I don't mind fall and winter, unless it gets extremely cold like the polar vortex weather. we have had a lot of that here the last two winters.
it didn't get cold enough here in AK last winter.
I hear the summer has been warmer too.
we are expecting the coldest week in 5 years -the winter is starting to wear a bit thin!
We have had that kind of cold for 2 winters in a row and you are right it wears you a bit thin!
I hate really cold weather,especially when rain or sleet is added in.