Post Overview
11 years ago+1 1 0Android System Date And Time In Different Format
How to format dates and times differently using DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat.
11 years ago+1 1 0Implement floating apps using WindowManager | Beautiful
How to implement floating windows with the WindowManager.
Current Event
11 years ago+1 1 0IBM Watson mobile challenge
Pitch us your idea for the next groundbreaking Watson-powered mobile app. Winners will receive mentoring support from IBM and access to the Watson sandbox to build it.
11 years ago+2 2 07 alternatives to TestFlight beta testing platform for Android developers
There are many predictions about Apple’s future plans for TestFlight. But for now, here are alternatives for iOS, Android, and Windows developers.
11 years ago+1 1 0@wesome Technology: You know more about Android
All about Android internals and foundation. Good stuff to know.
11 years ago+1 1 0From Android App to Killer App - Droidcon Tunisia - Google Drive
Advice on how to create a successful Android application - slides.
11 years ago+2 2 0Android communication: use of com port for data transfer
Android communication: How to use the com port for data transfer
11 years ago+1 1 0mcharmas/Android-ReactiveLocation
Android-ReactiveLocation - Small library that wraps Google Play Service API in brilliant RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum.
11 years ago+1 1 0bumptech/glide
glide - An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
11 years ago+1 1 0FRP on Android by Yaroslav Heriatovych
Small introduction how to use FRP principles with RxJava library in modern Android applications
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Current Event
11 years ago+2 2 0Developer PSA: Google And Intel Release x86 Emulator Image With Google APIs For The First Time
Intel's progress into the Android ecosystem hasn't exactly been earth-shattering. The number of high-end and mid-range smartphones equipped with an ATOM CP... by Cody Toombs in Android OS, Development, News
Text Post
11 years ago+3 3 0Morning t/mobile! A couple weeks ago I created a tribe for android development.
If anyone is interested in android development, how-tos, posts about open source libraries, asking questions or general chatter about android development feel free to come on over to t/AndroidDev and join up.
Text Post
11 years ago+2 2 0Hey t/Android a couple weeks ago I created t/AndroidDev
If anyone is interested in android development, how-tos, posts about open source libraries, asking questions or general chatter about android development feel free to join up!
11 years ago+2 2 0Michael Barany - Google+ - An easy way to use textAllCaps in Android Apps supporting…
One of the UI widgets that ships with AppCompat named CompatTextView is a Custom TextView extension that adds support for textAllCaps
11 years ago+1 1 0Listview getViewType() and getViewTypeCount() in Action
This is an article on listview with different view’s. We all know that listview is the most used and conventional way of displaying list of data in android. Many-a-times we do encounter a scenari...
11 years ago+2 2 0Spans, a Powerful Concept
Spans, a Powerful Concept. Jan 31st, 2014 Recently, Flavien Laurent wrote a blog post about the NewStand app and its ActionBar icon translation effect. Cyril …
11 years ago+1 1 0Test Fairy - Android Beta Testing
A one-page description of an Android beta test platform.
Current Event
11 years ago+3 3 0Project Ara Team Member Gives Us The First Glimpse Of How The Product Will Work
We're all excited by the prospects of Project Ara, Google's upcoming lick-and-stick modular phone that will essentially allow users to upgrade the device's... by Cameron Summerson in News, Project Ara
11 years ago+1 1 0AbstractCursorLoader | Christian Göllner
The CursorLoader in the Android framework is very useful. It allows you to load data in the background, without having to worry about activity lifecycles or data updates. It does all the work for you. The only downside (for me) is, that it has to be ...
Current Event
11 years ago+13 13 0Report: Less than one percent of mobile gamers responsible for half of all in-app purchases
With the runaway success of Candy Crush Saga, it's perfectly natural to wonder just how many people are dropping coin in freemium mobile games. One