9 years ago
Bernie Sanders’ Refusal To Attack Hillary Clinton Isn’t Just Principled—It’s Political Genius
The democratic socialist is taking a stand by running a clean campaign, and it’s already making a big impact on the race for president.
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I am leaning towards Sanders in the primary, but I don't feel confident that he can carry the states he needs to win the general election. Still wondering if Biden is going to enter. The next twelve months are going to be interesting.
Agreed. Out of the choices available at this time, Sanders is the best choice in my opinion. That doesn't mean I think he is the perfect candidate (I am my only "perfect" candidate) and I have some serious doubts that he would win the election, even if they were 100% honest. Our corporate overlords will not allow a President Sanders.
Maybe I am a little more optimistic. I think he might be able to energize people who may not usually vote. I just can't get a bead on the electorate yet.
It is always a matter of the machine candidates can build to push voter turnout. But it is so early in the process we can't prophesy what issues the nation might be facing in 2016. And, this Boehner resignation has some Republicans calling each other "crazies" already. It is an interesting development.