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Published 9 years ago by DesGrieux with 1 Comments

Concert turns into a hellish scene within seconds

Some powdered effects catch fire and many are hurt.

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  • get9

    This was in Bali, New Taipei City, Taiwan, at a fairly popular water park.

    That dust [corn starch] they use in color runs and some Indian festivals was sprayed onto the crowd during the concert. Something ignited the dust (they're thinking probably heat from the on-stage lights), and it spread extremely fast.

    So far, two people have died. Many people have 80-90% burns, but some are making unexpected recoveries.

    Most victims were students: high school and college. There were foreigners from Japan, UK, USA, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Macau, Malaysia, and South Africa, totaling 17.

    For more information, you can look at this Wiki page: Formosa Fun Coast Explosion.

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