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Published 9 years ago by DastardlyVandal with 3 Comments

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  • NinjaKlaus

    I think most every android device maker is doing this crap. That is the one thing that drove me to try a windows phone, Microsoft required that every app be uninstallable so that people could remove what they don't want. I use low end devices because I'm rough on them, that means they usually only have 1-2gb of space, half of that is always taken up by carrier|vendor crapware and once those things start updating the space rapidly turns into no space available. Even the Moto E has this problem. At least in the US we can use the disable function, I believe that keeps the apps from calling home and eating up data.

  • ssladam

    Meh. I've lived / worked in China for a number of years. These types of actions aren't about "protecting the consumer", it's just anti-competitive practices pushed by local Chinese businesses by getting their allies in government to punish their biggest competitors. Yeah, the local guys infringe as well. But this is a chance to hit your competitor with a penalty while also generating a bit of negative press to tarnish their reputation. BAU for Chinese firms.

  • kxh

    Not to mention not giving users the rights to control permissions on apps.

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