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Published 9 years ago by ColdwaterQ with 3 Comments

FYI: How to view tribe rules on mobile.

I have messed up once so far from not knowing the rules so I thought I would share my solution.

  • Instructions

    1. Navigate to the tribe you want the rules for.

    2. Replace "http" or "https" with "view-source" in the beginning off the url.

    3. Look for "rules" in the page that loads, in chrome there is a "find in page" function in the menu that helps here.


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  • Bunnyrabbit

    That's very helpful, thank you!
    But also... That's convoluted and bothersome. There must be a better way to do this.

    • ColdwaterQ

      I assume that it will be addressed in a future bug fix. Hopefully sooner then later. But for now this is a hack that works when needed.

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