9 years ago
For the First Time in the Series, Madden 16 Will Have Women in its Crowds
This year's Madden game will have women in the stands for the first time in series history. Madden NFL 16 features a host of improvements to player movement and behavior, graphical fidelity, and apparently gender representation in crowds. According to an interview with Madden developers on GameSpot's E3 stage, this year's installment adds females to the people filling the stadiums, something that no other Madden had done before.
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Wow what innovation EA!
It's kinda crazy that nobody really noticed that there weren't any women in the stands before. I've definitely noticed women in NHL games so it's not like EA couldn't have done it earlier.
I've noticed women in NHL in 08.
I would just really be curious to know what was stopping them before now. Too lazy to make a generic female fan to put in the stands? Really thought that all football games were attended only by men like the ancient Olympics? Afraid people wouldn't buy their games if, gasp, women were represented?
Wait so they didn't realize women not only play football - http://www.lflus.com/ they are spectators too!