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Published 8 years ago by Chubros with 0 Comments

$300 000 'Self-Filling water bottle' FAILURE

If I wanted to be rich (instead of being a scientist) it would be SOOOO much easier, especially if I didnt care about predating on people ignorance. It does however get depressing sometimes seing someone trot out a clearly stupid idea (like fontus), get $300 000 of crowd funder money, and design awards. They then proceeded to work out that I was right all along, and eventually reinvent a very VERY poor ripoff of a commercial peltier dehumidifier. .... and now... after all that..... they've just won a 'top 4 Austrian startup' award. Words just kinda fail me at this point. This video supported by donations on patreon, which for me is honestly a silver lining for this cloud. At least there are people out there who will support this kind of work! https://www.patreon.com/Thunderf00t


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  • Pintacle

    This project is the inverse of Triton, instead of extracting an unrealistic amount of air (oxygen) from water, they promise to extract unrealistic amount of water from air. And coincidentally, both are created by industrial design students.

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