Post Overview
Current Event
11 years ago+12 13 1Dog poop DNA tests may be answer to discourteous pet owners
Apartment and condo managers, dogged by complaints from those who've have experienced the squishy and smelly sensation of stepping onto a pile of dog doo, are turning to DNA testing to identity the culprits who don't clean up after their pe ...
11 years ago+22 22 0 x 1Words can change your brain
Positive words, such as “peace” and “love,” can alter the expression of genes, strengthening areas in our frontal lobes and promoting the brain’s cognitive functioning.
11 years ago+10 10 0We're more likely to lie in the afternoon
If you want to catch someone in a lie, you'll raise your odds in the afternoons, as most people are more likely to cheat or lie then as opposed to the morning.
Current Event
11 years ago+11 11 0The miracle baby born to a woman 13 weeks after she 'died'
A pregnant woman declared brain-dead after a major stroke was kept on life-support long enough to deliver a healthy baby, while her organs saved lives.
11 years ago+15 15 0Should cursive be saved?
Common core standards in education are crowding out classroom time for cursive instruction. While many may say in this day and age of technology that keyboards fill the communication void, there are strong advocates of keeping cursive in schools.
11 years ago+11 11 0Do dogs and their owners look alike?
Studies suggest yes, and it has to do with their eyes.
Current Event
11 years ago+13 13 0NSFW Woman found sleeping with dead husband's corpse a year after his death
A woman had been sleeping next to her dead husband's decomposed corpse for one year until authorities made the grisly discovery this week.
11 years ago+7 7 0It's Official: Aaron Paul Is The Greatest Husband Ever
It's no secret that Aaron Paul cannot stop talking about his wife, Lauren Parsekian. The "Breaking Bad" star publicly compliments her every chance he gets -- whether it's on Twitter, Instagram, in an interview or on the red carpet ...
11 years ago+10 10 0Feeling down? Study shows sitting less could help boost mood
If you feel down in the dumps after a long day of sitting at your desk, a new study confirms it: the longer a person sits, the more likely he or she is to have symptoms of depression, researchers claim.
11 years ago+14 14 0 x 163 Healthy Dessert Recipes (refined-sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free)
Incorporate healthy desserts into your way of eating (we do…every night) and give yourself permission to enjoy them.
11 years ago+11 11 04 Things Most Successful Entrepreneurs Have in Common
Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach, successful entrepreneurs seem to share several traits that the rest of the pack lacks.
11 years ago+10 10 0Joseph Gordon-Levitt: Perfect Partner Checklists Are Doomed To Fail
The Don Jon actor avoids adhering to a checklist of characteristics that he looks for in the perfect partner, and thinks real romance is better than anything depicted in a movie.
11 years ago+7 7 0How introverts can be annoying
We're not superior to extroverts, we're just differently irritating.
Current Event
11 years ago+12 12 02013 Olympia Weekend: Ashley Kaltwasser Grabs The Bikini Crown
The hip-popping, hair-tossing bikini division brought down the house. Although all these stunning women brought their best, only one can call herself champ. Ashley Kaltwasser earned that right.
Current Event
11 years ago+11 11 0McDonald's makes Happy Meals healthier
McDonald’s says it will only market milk, water and juice with the kids’ meals, and will also add apple slices and reduce the amount of fries in half.
11 years ago+15 15 0Breast health linked to eating peanut butter and nuts
Girls aged 9 to 15 who ate peanut butter or nuts twice a week were 39% less likely to have developed benign breast disease by age 30 than counterparts who never ate them.
11 years ago+9 9 0Biggest Career Mistakes and Lessons Learned
Successful careers are often built off of lessons learned, but it’s hard to believe business moguls like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg have ever faced a career slip-up. We turn to the Quora community to see what others have to say about their bigges ...
11 years ago+9 9 0Hypocritical 'Murica
The general consensus from the average American on Lance Armstrong's steroid use.
11 years ago+7 7 0How much sugar is in your food?
Consuming sugar in excess can have huge health consequences. Read our list of common food and drinks along with their sugar content in teaspoons.
11 years ago+14 14 0 x 1Hiding behind technology to be mean
Ever wonder why people feel safer using technology to be mean to others, or breakup, or convey other negative feelings? It's not the answer you may think.