9 years ago
Flower Sack Dresses From the Flour Mills
In times gone by, amidst widespread poverty, the Flour Mills realized that some women were using sacks to make clothes for their children. In response, the Flour Mills started using flowered fabric…
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Vintage Feedsack Fabric
History on feed/flour sack clothing, links to ebay auctions for feed and flour sacks should you get inspired and wish to make your own. -
Frugal Women Made Dresses From Flour Sacks. Flour Companies Responded with Vibrant Patterns
More examples of feed and flour sack designs. -
Finished Project: The Dust Bowl Dress
Interesting blog article - the author was in a sewing challenge to make a particular style of dress. She chose a vintage pattern and used fabric which was similar to a feedsack pattern. -
Vintage Feedsack Floursack Dresses
Photos of fabric patterns and old advertisements
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If they had really cared,they would have provided these people with a decent wage.