10 years ago
When You Flip Through an IKEA Catalog, 75% of the 'Photography' You See is CGI
This photo isn’t actually a photo. From the furniture to the beautiful light falling on the countertops and wood floors, what you’re looking at is a CGI rendering that has replaced 75% of the ‘photos’ in the IKEA catalogs the college kids, divorced men and NYC residents in your life have lying around.
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I linked the original source (recent article), but this is actually 2 year old news as per: http://online.wsj.co...04577595414031195148
Some interesting stuff to try and save a few bucks.
Have you seen the size of an IKEA catalog?? It's like 300 pages
My S.O. collects them, I think all the way back to 2004.
You can add product photographer to the list of jobs that are being taken over by robots.