9 years ago
The Library of Babel as Seen from Within
Reproducing Borges’s imaginary library online.Since I first read it in a high school Spanish class, I’ve been fascinated by the theory of language implicit in Borges’s “The Library of Babel.” The story describes a universal library containing, in 410-page volumes, every possible permutation of twenty-two letters, spaces, commas, and periods—every book that’s ever been written...
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The Library of Babel - Online
By this art you may contemplate the variation of the 23 letters.
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As much as I like Borges works and the mental challenges it provokes in some prepared minds, I do not believe in randomness of the letters and their positions.
The speech was created first and the letters came next. The words were product of the human vocal chords and therefore, there are certain natural limitations, which are imposed onto the sequence of the sounds, which had became letters.
The such library should be created by writing down the random sounds, which millions of people would do with their voices.
Just random letter sequences would create some impossible to pronounce combinations, which would never exist within the human race interactions.