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Published 9 years ago by BlueOracle with 2 Comments

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  • Konijn

    I'm trying to get into poetry and I feel embarrassed because I recognize none of the authors mentioned in that article. I plan to start out with Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass after I get off Snapzu so that I can journey into this unknown world of poetry.

    • BlueOracle

      I just wanted to interject that I’m going to be nodding at every name you say, but I’ll probably recognize about 5 percent of them.

      There's no need to feel embarrassed! The interviewer didn't even know most of the names being mentioned. It can be a bit overwhelming when you're just starting to explore a subject, but knowing a bunch of names isn't the point, anyway. There are so many poets it's impossible to know them all.

      Leaves of Grass sounds like a good place to start! You could also take a peak around /t/poetry sometime. I try to post a lot of variety. Remember, if something doesn't resonate with you, that's okay. There is so much poetry that you're bound to find something you like.

      Have fun, and let me know how it goes! :)

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