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Published 8 years ago by BlueOracle with 5 Comments

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  • Gozzin

    In fact, the very people who are scared the most by this propaganda subscribe to a religion that does advocate killing.

    I came here to say that. I had one dear friend who was Wicca and some OL friends who are as well. If you don't have a clue about the motives,for the love of Pete,don't just make something stupid like this up.

  • BlueOracle

    The same mainstream media that shit-bungled the so-called Slenderman stabbing so badly that most people didn’t even realize the victim survived, did nothing to combat this irresponsible statement. They could have fact-checked for five seconds instead of furiously regurgitating this delicious, erroneous clickbait, but why should they? They don’t get paid to read anything longer than a tweet, and that ill-advised Journalism degree isn’t going to pay itself off.

    - Haha! What a great article. Thanks for sharing that link, /u/wickedcoder256! :)

    • Gozzin

      Yup,the same media that publish every observational "study" that comes down the pipe as the real deal on,well whatever.

  • Kalysta

    So apparently the Muslims aren't scary enough to Florida retirees anymore. We need to bring back the Satanic Panics of the 70's.

    Shame too, just when I started feeling comfortable walking down the street wearing a pentacle.

  • imokruok

    Great headline. More; please.

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