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Published 9 years ago by BlueOracle with 7 Comments
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  • kabamman

    I have always loved exploring abandoned buildings, tons of great places in St Louis, South Florida (they actually have an abandoned rocket engine factory that you can explore legally because it's now a state park!!), Israel has a lot of awesome places they do have active mine fields though so if there is a sign with a skull and crossbones and it says minefield DON'T GO OVER THE FENCE!!!

    • freedomgarden (edited 9 years ago)

      Any tips on the S Florida factory? I've found a couple mentions but no good descriptions/guides.


      • kabamman

        There was a really good guide look up the company who abandoned it and you should hopefully find it.

  • caelreth

    Some very interesting, and some sad, sights he has captured.

    • Gozzin

      He has indeed. What I wish would happen is people would speed up the process of these places being returned to nature.

  • ThermalShock

    I'd highly recommend this site to see examples of Detroit's fall into decay.

    There's a certain beauty in urban decay. It's a feeling of looking back into history.

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