Benny84's feed
9 years agoComment BenightedSchism
Any chance you could post a list?
Posted in: We filled our first set of tabletop shelves!
9 years agoLevel Up BenightedSchism
Level 5
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9 years agoAchievement BenightedSchism
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations BenightedSchism on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
9 years agoAchievement BenightedSchism
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations BenightedSchism on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
9 years agoComment BenightedSchism
I finally got Cities: Skylines after drooling over it for quite some time now. Glad to say it really lived up to my hopes! Having never really played (or been interested in) a city builder, this one REALLY pulled me in. Also started working on the Dishonored DLC, as the main story was one of my favorite games (by far my favorite stealth based game ever) of 2012/2013. Figured with the release of the announcement trailer, I better soak up all I can out of one before it comes out.
9 years agoAchievement BenightedSchism
Video Vigilante
Published 2/2 video snaps! Congratulations BenightedSchism on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
9 years agoVideo/Audio BenightedSchism
Soen - Oscillation
9 years agoComment BenightedSchism
Very cool! Reminds me of Alex Grey, who happens to be one of my favorite artists.
Posted in: The Neverending Dreamer
9 years agoVideo/Audio BenightedSchism
Five Ways to Be a Better D&D Player
Five easy tips players should consider to make the game as a whole run smoother.
9 years agoLevel Up BenightedSchism
Level 4
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9 years agoComment BenightedSchism
All aboard the feel train...
Posted in: Why Is Your Millennial Crying?
9 years agoComment BenightedSchism
As someone who's never been in a war, or any situation remotely close to one, I can't imagine what it's like experiencing some of the stuff in these pictures. Specifically in this set of pictures. I have so much respect for people who went through stuff like this.
Posted in: World War I in Photos
9 years agoComment BenightedSchism
The, what appear to be ligaments, moving in her hand freak me out way more than it should.
9 years agoRelated Link BenightedSchism
Charles Ebbets shooting his famous photograph, “Lunch atop a Skyscraper”
BenightedSchism added 1 related link(s)
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9 years ago
Never heard him until I saw your post, definitely a skilled bassist. Reminds me of mixture of Jaco Pastorius and James Jamerson.
Posted in: Who is your favorite bassist and why?
9 years ago
They all move at a unit, and while they're either all in or out, it's a lot easier to track and work with logistics wise.
This is a very good point that I never thought of, I suppose it does make sense in terms of reliability.
Posted in: Why Gaming Houses Are Holding Back E-Sports
9 years ago
Not that I've seen, and I kind of hope there isn't. It's supported VERY well on mobile in browser, this is literally my only complaint/concern.
Posted in: Filters on Mobile
9 years agoText Post BenightedSchism
Filters on Mobile
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9 years agoLevel Up BenightedSchism
Level 3
BenightedSchism is now level 3 with 3,860 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement BenightedSchism
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations BenightedSchism on this achievement!
+1300 XP -
9 years ago
Thanks! White LED's aren't a complete deal breaker, especially since that keyboard has AMAZING reviews.
9 years agoComment BenightedSchism
I don't understand how there aren't laws banning stuff similar to this, it's obviously a huge money grab. Then again, the health industry has never been known for NOT doing huge money grabs...
9 years agoComment BenightedSchism
I've always thought the idea of a gaming house was very bizarre. A key thing for online games is you know... the ability to play with people from far way. With things like Skype/Vent/TeamSpeak/Mumble etc, what's the need for houses like these? I can see getting together for tournaments, but I don't see how living together would help their ability to perform better.
Posted in: Why Gaming Houses Are Holding Back E-Sports
9 years agoComment BenightedSchism
I bought this game shortly after it came out, and put maybe 15 minutes into it and completely forgot about it. There seems to be very hyped up right now, but the game seems very daunting as a new player... Anyone have any resources to easy new players ways into the game?
Posted in: Terraria 1.3 Patch notes
9 years agoText Post BenightedSchism
What's your favorite edition of D&D?
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