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Published 9 years ago by Autumnal with 10 Comments
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  • NinjaKlaus

    Yeah, lets just scrub history and historical accuracy because it's offensive... use of the flag in anything other than a historical context should be frowned upon, but this is just stupid.

    Somebody should look through everything for context, then a decision made on a case by case basis, not a kneejerk we want to look like we're sympathetic reaction.

    • fred

      i prefer companies just allow it to be used, supply and demand. If theres a market for it produce it.

      Not that i particularly want to display it myself, but it allows me to immediately identify an idiot.

  • Victarion

    I think this whole thing is silly,I don't support the confederacy,but they are taking down apps people spent lots of work on and most aren't pro confederacy

    • baron778

      That's one way to go about dealing with the situation.

      • caelreth

        Or an attempt to not have to deal with it at all.

  • Kysol (edited 9 years ago)

    But but... North and South was an awesome game, taught me so much about the civil war... like you have to march single file over bridges that are half destroyed...

    In all seriousness, I agree with /u/NinjaKlaus, if it's in a historical context then it should be fine. But then that also opens up the argument that the shooting is now a historical event and the flag did play a part in it, so technically it would be allowed by that rule. Baaaaaah!

    Edit: I'm offended by the icon, please have it removed.

  • alapseofsanity

    Honestly what upsets me more about this whole ordeal than anything is the fact that we are putting so much damn time into it. We've had this debate a million times and it always ends in a pretty similar fashion. Southerners accuse everyone criticizing the flag of being liberal elitists, and everyone else accuses the Southerners of being ignorant bigots.

    Personally, I don't care for the flag and I don't think it should be treated as anything other than historical. But I've met many people who hold that flag near and dear and I know that not all those people are racists. I disagreed with them, sure, but I knew that segregation, slavery, or whatever was not something they stood for. So that's how this argument always ends, just a bunch of people getting angry at each other until they tire themselves out, then resenting each other.

    I remember watching Jon Stewart's impassioned speech and really seeing the anger in his eyes and it was very moving. But after less than a week it seems like we are already at each other's throats over non-issues. Stewart gets the impression a lot that we like to ignore issues like these or dismiss them, but I think that's just the impression he gets from what he sees. Personally, it seems more to me like we care so much about these issues, that we end up arguing about things like the flag so we can demonize each other instead of working towards solving the actual problems. The flag is its own issue, but it's not the most pertinent one right now. I really liked his speech, but I'm starting to wonder if it will end up doing more harm than good.

  • Appaloosa

    Rewriting history, one app at a time. Good job Apple!

  • 8mm

    Ah, the land of the free

  • messi

    Never go full retard.

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