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Published 8 years ago by Appaloosa with 8 Comments

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  • RoamingGnome

    But, they aren't losing money. They are lying.

    • Appaloosa (edited 8 years ago)

      Yea man, they are, they all are losing in this segment. Corps don't share wealth between each other. They share mechanics.

      • RoamingGnome

        Then why did the CEO of Aetna make this comment? And, to be clear, the comment is accompanied by their financials that clearly show they are not losing money.

        “Aetna achieved record annual operating revenue and operating earnings in 2014, and delivered full-year operating earnings per share at the high end of our most recent projection,” said Mark T. Bertolini, Aetna chairman and CEO. “Our 2014 operating earnings-per-share results represent an increase of more than 7 percent over 2013 and a compound annualized growth rate of 15 percent since 2010. We also ended the year serving more than 23.5 million medical members, an increase of approximately 1.4 million members from 2013.

        “Our strong finish to 2014 combined with our early momentum in 2015 give us the confidence to increase our 2015 projection for operating earnings per share to at least $7.00 from our previous projection of at least $6.90.”

        • Appaloosa

          Why are they dumping Obamacare?

          • RoamingGnome (edited 8 years ago)

            Retribution for Obama and Democrats opposing the merger between Aetna and Humana.

            Edit- To Add. It's a move to make the Democrats look bad just prior to the general election. I promise you that at least 300 million people in this country will not be aware of the information we are discussing right now. Nobody will go do any research. Nobody will read what is presented by Republicans. Just like how SMcintyre presented the financials and made the claim that Aetna is losing money. It's easy to refute, but nobody will take the time to find the information to do so. It took me less than one minute to find the quote that I found that absolutely blows this whole thing out of the water.

            • Appaloosa

              Aetna or any other insurance company would be happy to have Obamacare in their portfolio if it made money. In this case, it doesn't and they are dropping it. If the expectation is that insurance companies are altruistic and will subsidize programs for the good of people then that would be a hopeful position.There are going to be more of them dropping it.

            • AdelleChattre (edited 8 years ago)
              @Appaloosa -

              My sense is that you two are in vicious agreement. Yes, Aetna's making good on an overtly political threat with billions of dollars worth of spite behind it, and yes, with a shallow risk pool full of sick people getting ever shallower and sicker, Obamacare's in a death spiral even before the individual mandate is enforced.

              There will be a day of reckoning, a totaling of sums and a sorrowful wailing from home after home. Maybe then, though, we will realize health care isn't health insurance, and that we ought not to let middlemen and insurance salesmen set national health care policy. It's like we tried to end loansharking by legally requiring every man, woman and child in the United States to take out enough of a vig that we don't lose respect for them.

            • Appaloosa
              @AdelleChattre -

              Yes, we are in agreement! It was an ill conceived, if not malicious program to ultimately force this showdown. The pawns and victims in this game are of course the people. Congress and their ilk are unaffected as literally millions of people and families are thrown about like ragdolls. If there are culprits here, it's not in the business end of this equation, it is in the camp of the masterminds who orchestrated this. It is a BFD all right.

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