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Published 9 years ago by Appaloosa with 3 Comments

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  • AdelleChattre (edited 9 years ago)

    Joe Biden for many years was a senator from Delaware, a state which was sold to credit card companies so that someone would be able to compete with North Dakota in legalizing usury and loan sharking nationwide.

    Time was Joe Biden was known as “the senator from MBNA,” referring to one of the largest corporate loan sharks incorporated in his state. For years, Biden worked in D.C. as a wind-up toy used by Big Usury to gut bankruptcy protections, eventually succeeding in 2005. Which was doubly awesome, since his son Hunter had been raking in ‘consulting fees’ for getting that done for years, by that point. Oh, Hunter, what mischief you got up to before you settled down and got serious about the Ukrainian energy sector.

    Toady Joe Biden, who never saw a corner payday loan joint he didn’t like, might not be the most credible voice on income inequality.

    • Appaloosa

      I'm just surprised he didn't pick Hillary, after all, she and Bill suffered for years struggling to make ends meet.

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