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Published 6 years ago by Appaloosa with 4 Comments

C-17 flying between buildings !


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  • Maternitus

    Looks like a drop-off exercise (without the drop-off).

    • Appaloosa

      It certainly is, just wondering how they pulled it off, if they did, in the middle of a city.

      • Maternitus

        Fully exposed also. Looks like the plane has a good pilot, especially the last bit where the plane pulls up just in time. In my country they fly military planes that low to send a message of dominance. Last week we had it with a police helicopter, armed with some big disc underneath. The amount of middle-fingers, laughter while pointing at the helicopter and jokes told was incredible. In a lot of languages also. You'd be surprised how creative some languages are in mocking authority. In my neighborhood the police tactic of showing testosterone is ridiculed beyond belief. :-) I like that. :-)

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