7 years ago
An "Anti-Diversity Manifesto" Is Going Viral Inside Google, Employees Say
Fuck Google and everything it pretends to represent.
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So ... what are the actual arguments against the document in question? second source with formatting intact, archive, third source Because honestly, the reasons why it was even written in the first place are why I am considering dropping all google services. And seeing as there is real dissent. Which is also funny, because if it was just quick bylines, I could agree with "Fuck Google and everything it pretends to represent.". And in this case, about freedom of speech, censorship, and more. EDIT: For hilarity, will link a youtube rant about why I have been giving Google the side eye here. EDIT 2: No, the Google manifesto isn’t sexist or anti-diversity. It’s science archive.
Oh God...that was great! He's brilliant.
We don't all agree with managed free speech, well I'll throw Hitler in the stew and see how that turns out.
Free speech wins.
If you care, as an update, author has been fired, and wikileaks is offering a job. Because it needs to be reiterated, google is not what it seems.