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Published 7 years ago by Apolatia with 4 Comments

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  • tomeoftrovius

    Ok but which films, will people even go, will the imams just declare it haram and who is checking to see how it's actually happening?

    • AdelleChattre (edited 7 years ago)

      The king will have a home theater installed in several of his palaces, and will in fact screen Happy Gilmore several times in between beating servants to death for imagined slights.

    • ohtwenty

      there's quite some Egyptian films, which might be culturally/religiously more OK. As for specific films: just work the way any state with too much power does, make a censorship committee that either blocks films or censors specific parts

      • tomeoftrovius

        I doubt that'll work. Egypt is more liberal than the Saudis (which I know is funny since everyone is liberal in comparison) but even in Egypt they have problems with people pushing societies norms and controversy prone. They'd probably just go with ignoring them.

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