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Published 7 years ago by Apolatia with 3 Comments

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  • kxh (edited 7 years ago)

    Is this what people actually want?

    Or is this like the UK minister who said people don't really want privacy from the government.

    We'll make sure firefox listens in to everything you say around your computer, also you can tell us where all the files you value are.

    • Gozzin

      They love telling us what they want to do but phrasing it as something "we" want.

  • NinjaKlaus

    Isn't this the kind of bloatware that helped lead people away from the Fox when Chrome came along and was twice as fast with add-ons. Also, it reminds me of uTorrent that used to be a micro torrent client and now it's full of ads and movies and junk.

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