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Published 9 years ago by Ajwerth with 3 Comments
  • Still getting used to this new way of posting content. Added this module with the Video.


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  • BlankWindow

    What I'm not used to is people actually getting along, but yeah, the post system is very promising. They are still taking suggestions and improving things around here. I can't even use Reddit anymore.

    • Ajwerth

      Yeah man its really cool I'm really enjoying this site. I didn't post that much on reddit because my posts instantly get downvoted, just made me feel like it was a waste of time.

      • BlankWindow

        Reddit has become pretty unfortunate from what it was a few years ago. If you don't Comment in a certain way or do comment in a certain way you are instantly downvoted. There are some pretty strange unspoken rules to Reddit and new ideas or different ways to do content are pretty much shunned. Still a lot of good information about, but the comment sections are little better than Youtube now.

        The only thing I can really say about this place you might not notice is to only downvote when a rule is broken. Downvotes are meant to bring the attention of the Admins Chiefs and Moderators.

        Bring whatever content you can and we are glad to have you.

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