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Published 9 years ago by Ajwerth with 4 Comments

The Fulcrum

This is a beastly HC

  • What's up guys! This is my first snap, so I wanted to say hello but also share some content about destiny. Maybe this is old news but, i still need to talk about this gun. I saw this video last week talking about how the fulcrum is a good alternative to hawkmoon for xbox users. I play on PS4 but had some extras marks (also FWC FTW), so I picked one up. I love this gun as an alternative for hawkmoon even on PS4. If you can get the right perks, I got final round and luck in the chamber, this thing can be a beast. I also got small bore which if used, makes luck in the chamber proc more often but you also only get I think 6 shots. Another reason I really like this gun is it opens a slot for an exotic weapon, which gives you way more options. So far i haven't noticed a drop in my performance with the HC and I've been using patience and time and doing better sniping. Anyway I'd love to hear what you guys think.

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  • the7egend

    I've got one of these guns sitting in my vault, haven't even used it or re-rolled it, might have to pull it out and see what it's all about.

  • xezebien

    Good lord! I have to waste some motes when I get home...

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