Why the Greek Deal Will Work
Most economists and political commentators believe that the latest Greek bailout was little more than an analgesic. It will dull the pain for a while, but the euro’s problems will metastasize, with a dismal prognosis for the single currency and perhaps the EU as a whole. But the conventional wisdom is likely to be proved wrong. By Anatole Koletsky.
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Diary. By Tariq Ali
In the early hours of 16 July, the Greek parliament voted overwhelmingly to give up its sovereignty and become a semi-colonial appendage of the EU. A majority of the Syriza Central Committee had already come out against the capitulation... -
The Mystery Of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ Popularity Even After Austerity
He fought austerity and lost, but still maintains a 60 percent approval rating. By Daniel Marans.
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