Why Iran’s Supreme Leader Wants a Deal
When Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif was about to leave Tehran for Vienna last week, the Twitter handler for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei posted a tweet in English to show strong support for the negotiation team: “I recognize our negotiators as trustworthy, committed, brave and faithful,” the tweet said...
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The Saturday Night Live Theory of U.S.-Iran Relations
“I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals. I’m a vegetarian because I hate plants.” -
The Other Reason the Iranians Are Edging Toward a Nuclear Deal
The spread of ISIS has changed the equation, making Tehran's hawks more amenable to a deal with the west. -
Iran demands end to U.N. missile sanctions, West refuses
A dispute over U.N. sanctions on Iran's ballistic missile program and a broader arms embargo were among issues holding up a nuclear deal between Tehran and six world powers on Monday... -
Even if Obama Wins an Iran Nuclear Deal in Vienna, Can He Sell It at Home?
The White House is already waging an all-out PR war as it prepares to bring a potential nuclear deal back to Washington. -
The Spy Tech That Will Keep Iran in Line
One reason a nuclear deal with Iran just might work: the ring of surveillance surrounding the Tehran regime. -
Iran nuclear talks: Brothels, bike rides and Groundhog Day
Anyone who says it's all work and no play for the hordes of diplomats, officials, security agents, analysts and reporters who have descended on Vienna for what should be the finale of almost two years of Iran nuclear talks is dead wrong. As the manager of a local brothel said...
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