9 years ago
The Web We Have to Save
The rich, diverse, free web that I loved — and spent years in an Iranian jail for — is dying. Why is nobody stopping it? By Hossein Derakhshan.
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This was a powerful read for me, however I'm left feeling lost with no direction to find the diversity and decentralization of opinion that I agree is so important.
I count myself guilty of falling complacent due to 'the stream.' Since coming here to Snapzu it's gotten a bit better... I've found the posts on here to be significantly more enlightening than the other outlets I'm used to, but it's still the curated stream, relying on popular opinion to tell me what 'matters.'
At the risk of revealing my inherent ineptitude, I don't even know where to start with finding new, independent sources. I rely on others (Adelle being a major one recently) to point me to voices like the one who wrote this.
So, AdelleChattre, I pose this question to you... How do you source the content that you yourself curate without starting with a stream?
Perhaps this is a flaw in the nostalgic pining present in this article... Maybe those like myself would have never found and participated in such a sparse and difficult to navigate sea of views, and are benefiting from this new stream paradigm, while those who were/would have been active in it take on the role of curator? Is it possible that this isn't a decline, but rather a restructuring that actually penetrates deeper into the 'masses?'
Edit: As a side note, this hits very close to the seed of doubt I have with the net neutrality discussion. The way it seems to be presented is via the 'provider>consumer' nomenclature, when these definitions directly contradict what makes the internet so powerful.