The Killer in the Pool
Last February [six years ago], when a 12,000-pound orca named Tilikum dragged his SeaWorld trainer into the pool and drowned her, it was the third time the big killer whale had been involved in a death... By Tim Zimmermann (July 30, 2010)
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'Blackfish' filmmaker 'never imagined' her documentary on SeaWorld would have such a major effect
Gabriela Cowperthwaite says she “couldn’t have imagined that the film would be like lighter fluid.” By Amy Kaufman. -
SeaWorld Is Building New Rides as Killer Whale Shows Take a Back Seat
We don’t think these announcements will solve all of SeaWorld’s woes, but new rides, attractions, and events should drive some visitors to the parks. By Hannah Sampson. -
Blackfish (2013)
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