9 years ago
Tech industry’s persistent claim of worker shortage may be phony
Alice Tornquist, a Washington lobbyist for the high-tech firm Qualcomm, took the stage at a recent Qualcomm-underwritten conference to remind her audience that companies like hers face a dire shortage of university graduates in engineering. The urgent remedy she advocated was to raise the cap on visas for foreign-born engineers... By Michael Hiltzik.
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Disney Death Star
A Satirical Look Disney's H-1B Layoffs. By Jon Feere.
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Showing the face of despicable corporate America.
This is sickening & simply put is 99.9999997% what's wrong with our economy.
These things are a joke. They never had a shortage, it's about holding down wages. Get everyone on the stem train, supplement with H1B immigrants, oversupply, wages stagnate, you profit.
"The Obama administration announced new proposals this week designed to attract and retain highly skilled immigrants, among the top wishes of high-tech companies like Qualcomm. The new regulations would remove obstacles to the immigrants remaining in this country and extend employment authorization to their spouses." May 7 2014.