9 years ago
T-Mobile Doubles Down On Its Blatant Lies, Says Claims It’s Throttling Are ‘Bullshit’ And That I’m A ‘Jerk’
On Monday we wrote about T-Mobile flat out lying about the nature of its BingeOn mobile video service -- and after a couple of days of silence, the company has come out swinging -- by lying some more and weirdly attacking the people who have accurately portrayed the problems of the service.
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T-Mobile CEO publishes more dishonest garbage about video throttling scheme
It's clearly a violation of the 2015 net neutrality order, but who cares? It's free! By T.C. Sottek. -
T-Mobile's Legere apologizes for dissing rights group
The CEO says he's sorry for his off-color rant against the Electronic Frontier Foundation and further defends T-Mobile's Binge On service as consistent with open Internet principles. By Michelle Meyers. -
EFF Confirms: T-Mobile’s Binge On Optimization is Just Throttling, Applies Indiscriminately to All Video
Back in November, T-Mobile announced a new service for its mobile customers called Binge On, in which video streams from certain websites don’t count against customers’ data caps... (Jan. 4)
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It always amazes me how many of these CEOs seem to forget how the Internet works. Back in the pre-net days, you could usually get away with this kind of nonsense because, unless someone specifically went looking for the correct information, people would largely just believe what they were told. Nowadays, CEOs get fact-checked and rebutted before they're even done speaking, so for the life of me I can't understand how he doesn't have someone checking his prepared statements, or giving him at least technologically accurate talking points for when he's just winging it.