9 years ago
State Attorneys General Line Up Behind Jim Hood, Support Power To Attack Enemies Of Big Corporate Donors
A large group of state Attorney Generals has now stepped into the legal fight between Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood and Google. As we've explained a bunch, Hood went after Google with an investigation and detailed subpoena that was funded and written by the MPAA itself...
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TPP: U.S. May Not Force DMCA on Other Countries
A recently leaked copy of the Trans-Pacific Partnership's 'Intellectual Property' chapter has revealed a United States prepared to accept intermediary liability frameworks already in place in some partner nations. This means that countries like Canada, for example, would not have to adopt a DMCA... -
UK Publishers Don't See Why Anyone's Complaining About Copyright Law
As the copyright reform effort is underway in Europe, a number of legacy players are running a bit scared. The UK Publishers Association published a rather amusing attempt at "mythbusting" claims that reformers are making about copyright...
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Of course they are lining up behind him, they would hate for their own corrupt dealings with big companies to come out showing that they persecute based on money. It also doesn't help they all are on the we need to spy on your internet data train as well.