9 years ago
Rolling Stone Sorry That Lying Bitch ‘Jackie’ Made Them Do Such Terrible Journalism
Last year, Rolling Stone reported a shocking story about the epidemic of rape on college campuses, and specifically at the University of Virginia -- one of 86 schools under federal investigation for its mishandling of rapes and ...
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Did Rolling Stone Hurt the Quest for Justice? By Charles M. Blow
It wasn’t Jackie’s job to get the details of her rape correct. It was Rolling Stone’s. By Jessica Valenti
Rolling Stone Can't Even Apologize Right. By Megan McArdle
Facts matter: Left sticks to ‘narratives,’ evidence be damned. By Naomi Schaefer Riley
Rolling Stone’s real disgrace: How its shoddy reporting let UVA off the hook. By Katie MacDonough
Rolling Stone's Rape Article Failed Because It Used Rightwing Tactics to Make a Leftist Point. By Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig
‘Rolling Stone’ Is Still Throwing Jackie Under the Bus. By Michelle Goldberg
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