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Published 6 years ago by AdelleChattre with 7 Comments


The Carol Burnett Show


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  • LisMan

    If I write that I remember and liked The Carol Burnett Show, am I admitting that I am over 50 (55 to be exact)?

    • AdelleChattre

      Naw, it was on in nightly syndication on broadcast TV through the Seventies amd Eighties, just that I know of. Classic timelessness. I wonder what viewership Eunice and Mama's Family had in comparison to The Carol Burnett Show.

  • kxh

    Damn, I give in, what was the name of the bus driver?

  • LisMan (edited 6 years ago)

    1. Well, Steve Lawrence says at the beginning, "You're driving a bus ..." so the driver's name is whatever your name is. 2. I had to listen twice to what Karla (Vicki Lawrence), and she said "all" southern exposure. So that means that the room is at the North Pole and the bear is white.

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