Revenge of the Simple: How George W. Bush Gave Rise to Trump
Bush was just an appetizer — Trump would be the main course, By Matt Taibbi.
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More Bad News for Marco Rubio: He Just Lost the Support of Fox News
In his role as the donor class's darling, Marco Rubio has enjoyed support from the Republicans' media arm, Fox News. Throughout the primary, Fox provided Rubio with friendly interviews and key bookings, including the first prime-time response to Barack Obama's Oval Office... By Gabriel Sherman. -
Koch Brothers Will Not Use Their $400 Million Political Arsenal To Block Trump
"We have no plans to get involved in the primary," said James Davis, spokesman for Freedom Partners, the Koch brothers’ political umbrella group. By Michelle Conlin. -
The (Rule) 40 Horsemen of the GOP Apocalypse
As the dust settles on Super Tuesday 2016 and the pundits declare who “won” each state and how many delegates each candidate received, there is a crucial element missing from the conversation: Rule 40 of “The Rules of the Republican Party...” By Jeff Berkowitz.
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