Republicans are crossing a dangerous new line: sabotaging US foreign policy
For all its obstruction in Congress, the GOP always respected that foreign policy was sacrosanct. Until now.
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Republican letter to Iran intensifies dispute with White House
GOP dissenters: Iran letter could backfire
The Most Important People In The World Are From Arkansas: How Tom Cotton runs the nation. By Charlie Pierce
Joe Biden Goes Ballistic On Senate Republicans: Iran Letter Beneath 'Dignity Of An Institution I Revere'
The Parties’ Role Reversal On ‘Interfering’ with the Commander-in-Chief’s Foreign Policy. By Glenn Greenwald
Hawkish Republican Congressman Uneasy With GOP Senators' Letter To Iran
Republicans’ Latest Threat to an Iran Deal. By Carol Giacomo
Congress tries to go beyond trolling on foreign policy. It won’t work
Republicans Warn Iran - and Obama - That Deal Won't Last
Immediately after Launching Effort to Scuttle Iran Deal, Senator Tom Cotton to meet With Defense Contractors
White House: Remarks by President Obama and European Council President Donald Tusk before Bilateral Meeting
Iranian foreign minister: “Propaganda ploy.”
The letter [PDF]
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