Oregon Militia Idiot Steals Gubmint Truck For Vital Snack Run, Goes Directly To Jail
’But officer, this is a sovereign truck!’ By Doktor Zoom.
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1 +49y+ ago by AdelleChattre
7 kinds of government subsidies those angry ranchers get that you don't
One of the central complaints of the cracker terrorists currently holed up at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon is about “government overreach...” By Katie Herzog. (Jan. 6)
2 +49y+ ago by AdelleChattre
The Dumb and the Restless
Ammon Bundy and his band of weeping, self-pitying, gun-toting, wannabe-terrorist metrosexuals are America's most ridiculous people. By Matt Taibbi. (Jan. 7)
3 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
The Ideological Roots of the Oregon Standoff
The conservative path to today’s land-use fervor. By Alan Feuer. (Jan. 10)
4 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
What's Happening in Oregon Is Nothing Less Than Armed Sedition
Its roots in our politics are deep and tangled. By Charles P. Pierce. (Jan. 3)
5 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
PoliticalWilderness: U.S.A. Public Lands
A master class in the movement to take public lands for private gain.
6 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
The Oregon militia revolt recipe: timber, despair and a crippling political isolation
Even if ranchers still come into conflict with government agencies, their problems don’t explain those of Harney County. (Jan. 14)
7 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
BLM Leadership Coddles Hostile and Law Breaking Nevada Ranchers like Cliven Bundy
In Oregon, an armed occupation of Malheur Wildlife Refuge headquarters is being led by self-proclaimed “patriots” from Nevada. They are defending a public lands ranching family’s “right” to set fires… (Jan. 8)
8 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
Malheur: Armed Invasion of Indian Lands
Armed white men seizing the headquarters of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon on January 2, 2016, were repeating a history longer than anyone has yet noted. (Jan. 8)
9 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
Oregon Tribe Says Armed Group Is 'Desecrating' a Sacred Site
"The protesters have no right to this land. It belongs to the native people who live here." (Jan. 6) [Autoplay video]
10 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
These Aren't the First Armed Whites to Take Over That Oregon Land: Just Ask the Native Paiute People
The armed militia members occupying a federally owned wildlife outpost in eastern Oregon have demanded that the land be "returned" to them. But who really has claim to this forest? (Jan. 5)
- 9y+ ago by AdelleChattre
12 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
Meet Some of the Crazies Fighting the Government in Oregon
They include a former staff sergeant and a border-control activist. By Robert Bateman. (Jan. 4)
13 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
Required Reading: The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Was Taken Over Once Before, Back in the 19th Century
You probably already know that an armed gang has taken over a federal building at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Oregon. According to Ammon Bundy, one of the leaders of the group, the so-called "militia men" are... By Sydney Brownstone. (Jan. 4)
14 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
Oregon Militants Vow To 'Kill And Be Killed If Necessary,' But FBI Isn't Biting
The feds are taking a calculated approach to the ongoing standoff in Oregon. (Jan. 4)
15 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
What Happened In The Hammond Sentencing In Oregon? A Lawsplainer
Much ink has been spilled amount United States v. Hammond, the federal criminal prosecution cited by militia members as one of the motivations for taking over a federal facility in Oregon. The increased sentence imposed on the Hammonds has been cited as a sign of government abuse. But... By Ken White. (Jan. 4)
16 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
Bundy Militia Musters Again Over Paiute Land
Some of the same armed “militia” involved in the Cliven Bundy affair in Nevada have occupied federal land in Oregon formerly reserved for the Northern Paiute. By Steve Russell. (Jan. 3)
17 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
The leader of the Oregon armed protest hates the feds—except that time he needed a six-figure loan
Ammon Bundy decries federal "tyranny," but he sought aid from the government to help his company. By Russ Choma, (Jan. 4)
18 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
The Family Arson Behind the Rise of Oregon’s Armed Occupation
It starts with a deer hunting trip gone wrong. By Daniel Rivero. (Jan. 5)
19 +39y+ ago by AdelleChattre
The Oregon militia standoff, explained
A militia protesting the "tyranny" of the federal government seized the headquarters of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon on Saturday and, in a video posted to Facebook, called on "patriots" from all over the country to come to the refuge with their guns to join their fight. By Jennifer Williams. (Jan. 5)
20 +29y+ ago by AdelleChattre
Oregon militia standoff: man arrested driving stolen government vehicle
Police say Kenneth Medenbach drove the vehicle to town from the Malheur national wildlife refuge – and it’s not his first tangle with the law, (Jan. 15)
21 +29y+ ago by AdelleChattre
Armed, Pathetic and Hungry: How the Oregon Militants' Revolutionary Plan Went Sideways
The "Y'all Qaeda" militia is short on people, supplies and food. By Tim Dickinson. (Jan, 5)
22 +29y+ ago by AdelleChattre
What Do the Bundy Brothers Have Against Wildlife?
The occupiers at Malheur are seeking to overturn vital federal land management and environmental protection. By John Nichols. (Jan. 4)
23 +29y+ ago by AdelleChattre
Showdown in the Malheur Marshes: the Origins of Rancher Terrorism in Burns, Oregon
In the high desert of central Oregon, lies Harney County, a site of a long-festering and intense confrontation between federal officials and the militant property rights movement... By Jeffrey St. Clair and James Ridgeway. (Jan. 5)
24 +29y+ ago by AdelleChattre
The Absurdly Harsh Penalties That Sparked the Oregon Rancher Protest
A federal judge rejected mandatory minimums for Dwight and Steven Hammond as unconstitutional; an appeals court disagreed. (Jan. 4)
25 +29y+ ago by FivesandSevens
Rural Oregon’s Lost Prosperity Gives Standoff a Distressed Backdrop
Times were once good in east-central Oregon, where armed protesters took over a federal wildlife sanctuary, but the population grew ever poorer as opportunities dried up.
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