10 years ago
Obama honors 'sacrifice in the face of wanton violence'
President calls on Congress to commemorate Selma anniversary by renewing the Voting Rights Act
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Transcript of President Obama's remarks as delivered
Selma, 50 years after march, remains a city divided
Billboard honors KKK founder near historic Selma bridge
Obama says Selma a living history lesson for his daughters
(2014) The Case for Reparations. By Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Democrats stay away from any references to the Civil Rights act of 1964, which preceded the Voting Rights Act 1965, a horrible embarrassment to your party.
Is it the desegregation that you find a horrible embarrassment or is it outlawing bigoted discrimination? Don't feel like you have to pick just one.
Simply the Democrat Congressional actions and behaviors that preceded and accompanied the passage of the Civil Rights Act.
I'm not sure what congressional antics you mean. If you say they were an embarrassment, in any way as severe as the fiftieth or sixtieth doomed votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, I'll have to take you at your word. I wouldn't want to cast any "aspersions on your asparagus" by doubting so.
You are too way, way over the top,......have fun with that.
Are there any juicy details about the Democratic caucus embarrassing itself in the lead-up to passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that you can point the interested reader toward? If there was something to that, I'd be ready to hear about it.
The most obvious , Sen Byrd's filibuster of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. There are too many surrounding this very act for me to list, if truly interested, feel free to research. ...You won't.