9 years ago
‘Make No Mistake About It, This Is a War’
U.S. ground troops are being sent to Syria without congressional authorization. Why are so few members speaking up? By John Nichols.
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The Perils of Obama's Latest Undeclared War
As America’s intervention against ISIS in Iraq and Syria intensifies, its present course lacks popular support or constitutional legitimacy. By Conor Friedersdorf. -
The War Nerd: Bombed Stupid (Oct. 19)
I stole that headline from an Ernest movie, Scared Stupid. Always loved that title. “Scared Straight”? I’ve never seen fear make anybody smarter. When people get scared, they get stupid... By Gary Brecher.
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I'm really at a loss for words here..it just goes on and on and on.
It's generational war, passed down through the ages.
The modern day Hundred Years' War or just its continuation?
I think a bit more complicated than that small spat.