9 years ago
Just Sterilize Me, Already!
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve known having kids is not for me. At 25, I couldn’t be more certain about my decision to undergo sterilization. So why does every doctor, nurse and therapist in sight keep trying to convince me otherwise? By EP Wohlfart.
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A red overlay appears over the content which I can't close. When are website owners going to learn that people hate being jerked around like this?
Other than the attitude of the "professionals" involved, it seems like everything went as it should. She went to her doctor and said she wanted sterilized, she was referred to a therapist to make sure her decision was not on a whim and she was mentally sound, and then she was able to get the procedure done. Some women exactly like her will get refused based on the same kind of people's assumptions that she experienced, so she was actually rather lucky.