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Published 8 years ago by AdelleChattre with 3 Comments
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  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

    "Group think" in the classical sense has always needed a "source". In the past it was certainly always the press/media. Now that has finally been shrugged individuals, more than ever, recognize the press's inherent bias. Trump is not the "source" but rather the result of individual's realizations.

    This election, is/was about a revolution against "group think", rather than an example.

    • AdelleChattre (edited 8 years ago)

      Watch it, that self-satire is sharp. Oh! my stars. You’ve really nailed it with your one, and only, permissible understanding of groupthink. I particularly enjoy that you’re not going to allow for any heretical alternative interpretations, either. This builds on extensive comedic set-up of yours that’s also been very rewarding. Like that one time, when you corrected /u/NinjaKlaus’ perspective on the current oil market, as if only your specific view could conceivably hold any meaning. I know, right? Because if there’s anything that admits one and only one correct interpretation, right? It’s economics. Yet another sparkling facet of the comedy gem you are.

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