Have liberals been backed into a corner on trade?
The endgame on Obama’s trade agenda comes into focus. By Greg Sargent.
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Warren’s last stand on trade
Liberal groups are ready to make a last stand against President Obama’s trade agenda in the Senate with Elizabeth Warren, on of their strongest allies on the issue.... -
Senate Trade Promotion Authority Vote a Matter of Trust
What Hillary Clinton really said about TPP and Fast Track
The media has been reporting that it's the Democrats who have been split on the issues of trade (TPP, TPA and TAA). But it appears the Republicans have also been just as split on these issues... -
Jason Chaffetz strips Meadows of subcommittee chairmanship
The House Republican crackdown on bucking the leadership reaches new levels of severity. -
Fast Track Would Reduce Congressional Power, Subject U.S. To Global Tribunals, And Pave Way For New Executive Actions
By Sen. Jeff Sessions. -
Trade Pact: How The Trans-Pacific Partnership Gives Corporations Special Legal Rights
By David Sirota. -
Why the TPP Is Worse Than Mystery Meat
Remember the World Trade Organization, which slipped into the shadows after massive Seattle protests in 1999? The same day last week that Congress initially blocked fast track authority for approval of the TPP trade agreement, the House voted to overturn rules requiring country-of-origin labeling... -
TPP won't help Pennsylvania manufacturers
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